Manassas ARTFactory
Online Exhibit – Magical Moments
May 6-June 5 (Online Exhibit only)
We were given the magnificent opportunity to exhibit as a club at the renowned ARTfactory in Manassas.
The exhibit was titled Magical Moments. In our busy routines we often take for granted the visual beauty that passes in front our eyes. Although we may occasionally note a passing scene, we don’t often have the time to dwell on the magical moments we experience. This exhibit aims to inspire and enrich the lives of our audience by presenting those emotional, thought-provoking magical moments in a way that compels the viewer to stop and engage with the scene that was captured by the lens. The photographer’s eye combined with the camera lens can capture those serendipitous magical moments at just the right instant of time, or from just the right angle.
Our club member Nelson Pacheco put together this video compiling all of our collective entries. Enjoy!
In November 2020, our club hosted an exhibit at the Montclair Community Library called “Prince William County In Focus.” It remained on display for in-person viewing through December 2020.

Monochrome Display At Montclair Library